Riders of Fire and Ice by Brett Salter (The Talisman series #2)| Book review

Title: Riders of Fire and Ice
Author: Brett Salter
Genre: Middle-grade fantasy
Publication: 6 October 2017
My rating: 4/5

They’re back! Julian and Rome are taking their show on the road. This time to lovely, old England in search of Camelot. While there, the Knight and Dragon will be trying to solve the mystery of the Talismans, the mystery of their shadowy stalker, and the mystery of sibling rivalry. Prepare to meet some new faces and, of course, some new Darkbrands as the two further their adventures across the pond.

Riders of Fire And Ice by Brett Salter is the second instalment in the Talisman Series. After loving the fraternal bond between Rome and Julian in the first book, I was so excited to read more about them and their dark adventures in this book. This book is about their research on the Darkbrands in the UK and their mission to eradicate them with the help of Mr Jones.

Apart from Julian and Rome, there were a few additional characters in this book. Julian’s sister Camela and her friend Krysta’s character was the most exciting of all. I loved Camela for her courage and candour. Although Julian and Camela had differences of opinion, they both were there for each other in times of trouble which I loved the most.

The pace of the book is moderate. The author’s writing style is simple and the language is easy to understand. I was expecting more adventure scenes in this book, but there weren’t enough compared to the first one. Also, the descriptions about the Talisman objects was brief and I felt there could have been more detailed content about it.

Overall, it’s an interesting read with great world-building, well developed characters and a completely engrossing narrative. The climax was satisfying and it ended with a promise of yet another adventure in the next book. I hope it would be filled with more twists and turns. A definite recommendation from my side if you love middle-grade fantasy fiction.

*Thanks to the author for the review copy. All opinions are my own.*

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